Feedback Policy
At the Boston Accountability Network, we believe in the power of communication and the value of feedback from our readers and the broader community we serve. Our Actionable Feedback Policy outlines how we collect, respond to, and utilize feedback to improve our journalism, enhance our engagement with the public, and maintain our commitment to transparency and accountability.
Collecting Feedback
- Channels for Feedback: We offer multiple channels for our audience to submit feedback, including email, social media platforms, and a dedicated section on our website. We encourage readers to use these channels for comments, suggestions, criticisms, or corrections.
- Surveys and Community Engagement: Periodically, we conduct surveys and host community forums to gather targeted feedback on our reporting, website usability, and areas of interest to our audience.
Responding to Feedback
- Acknowledgment: All feedback received is acknowledged promptly, ensuring our readers feel heard and valued. We strive to respond to direct inquiries and concerns within 48 hours.
- Review Process: Feedback is reviewed by a dedicated team, including editors and relevant journalists, to assess its validity, relevance, and potential impact on our reporting and practices.
- Action and Follow-Up: When feedback results in a correction, clarification, or editorial change, we act swiftly to update our content and communicate these changes transparently to our audience. We explain the nature of the correction and the reasons behind it, maintaining a public log of significant editorial changes.
Engaging with the Public
- Public Forums and Events: We host regular events, both online and in-person, to discuss our reporting, gather feedback, and engage with our community on pressing issues.
- Reader Advisory Boards: We establish reader advisory boards, comprising members of our audience from diverse backgrounds, to provide ongoing feedback and guidance on our coverage and community engagement strategies.
Transparency and Accountability
- Publishing Our Policies: Our editorial guidelines, corrections policy, and privacy policy are publicly available on our website, ensuring our practices are transparent.
- Reporting on Feedback: We annually report on the feedback received, highlighting how it has influenced our reporting and editorial decisions. This report is made available on our website and through our newsletters.
- Continuous Improvement: Feedback is integral to our continuous improvement process. Insights gained from our audience help us refine our journalistic practices, coverage priorities, and engagement strategies.
The Boston Accountability Network is committed to a culture of openness, dialogue, and mutual respect. Our Actionable Feedback Policy ensures that we listen to, learn from, and respond to our community, upholding our mission to provide rigorous, accurate, and insightful journalism. We welcome feedback as an opportunity to strengthen our accountability, enhance our reporting, and deepen our engagement with the public we serve.