Ethics Policy

Ethics Policy

The Boston Accountability Network is committed to the highest standards of journalistic ethics and integrity. This Ethics Policy outlines the personal, organizational, and corporate standards of behavior expected of everyone associated with our organization, including staff, freelancers, and contractors. It serves as a guide to ensure that our work is both ethical and exemplary in the pursuit of truth, fairness, and accountability.

Personal Integrity

  • Honesty: All individuals associated with our organization must conduct themselves with honesty, ensuring that all communications and reporting are truthful and accurate.
  • Respect: We treat everyone with respect and dignity, regardless of their story, background, or role. This includes sources, subjects, colleagues, and the public.
  • Accountability: Individuals must take responsibility for their actions and decisions, openly acknowledging mistakes and learning from them.

Professional Conduct

  • Conflicts of Interest: Staff and contributors must avoid real or perceived conflicts of interest. This includes, but is not limited to, political affiliations, financial investments, or personal relationships that could influence reporting. Any potential conflicts must be disclosed to editors immediately.
  • Confidentiality: Protecting the confidentiality of sources, especially those who request anonymity, is paramount. This commitment should only be breached if the information is found to be obtained unethically or if it serves a significant public interest that outweighs the promise of confidentiality.
  • Impartiality: We strive for impartiality in our reporting, avoiding any undue influence from advertisers, funders, or other external pressures. Editorial decisions are made based on journalistic merit.

Organizational Standards

  • Transparency: The organization commits to transparency about its funding, ownership, and editorial decision-making processes, ensuring that our audience understands the context in which our reporting is produced.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: We are committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive environment, both in our workplace and in our reporting. This includes ensuring a range of voices and perspectives are represented in our stories.
  • Safety and Well-being: The safety and well-being of our staff and contributors are paramount. We are committed to providing a safe working environment and supporting journalists in potentially hazardous reporting conditions.

Corporate Responsibility

  • Ethical Advertising: We will engage in advertising practices that are ethical and transparent, ensuring advertisements do not influence or interfere with our editorial content.
  • Community Engagement: We engage with our community in a respectful and constructive manner, listening to feedback and using it to improve our work.
  • Environmental Sustainability: We are committed to practices that minimize our environmental impact and promote sustainability.

Implementation and Compliance

  • Training: All staff and contributors will receive training on this Ethics Policy to ensure they understand and can implement its principles in their work.
  • Monitoring: Compliance with this policy will be regularly monitored and reviewed by our ethics committee. Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment or contracts.
  • Reporting and Whistleblowing: We encourage the reporting of any unethical behavior or violations of this policy. We protect whistleblowers against retaliation.

This Ethics Policy reflects our dedication to integrity, transparency, and accountability in all aspects of our work. It is a living document, subject to review and revision, to ensure it continues to meet the highest ethical standards and adapt to the evolving landscape of journalism.